When you come to Los Angeles, be sure to visit Beverly Hills. For California, this is a kind of symbol of wealth. Home to movies and pop stars, this American-rich and luxurious neighborhood has every reason to make a pilgrimage to the trendy boutiques and enjoy the gourmet extravaganza of local restaurants. But first things first!
Beverly Hills landmarks
For walking, you should choose the Golden Triangle. This is the name of the city center, formed by the intersection of three boulevards:
This is an Eldorado for shopaholics! The main concentration of Los Angeles stores is gathered here. Showcases sparkle with collectable jewelry offers, ready-to-wear shops amaze with their assortment, perfumes and accessories call to stay here forever. Personally, it was difficult for me to leave, as well as having been to Atlantic City .
It is worth remembering that original branded items are sold here, so the price tag is appropriate. Fine shops line the most fashionable restaurants and cafes, prices are also high here, but you can always have a cup of coffee and take a break from shopping.
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Then you can go to observe the sights in Beverly Hills. Of course, now our path lies on the famous Rodeo Drive. While I was getting there, I probably have not seen so many luxury cars even in Moscow. Every inch of this area is imbued with chic and luxury.
And here you can do your favorite tourist entertainment, namely the search for villas: Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Walt Disney. By the way, if you take a guide, you will save a lot of time. The guide will take you through all the interesting places if you are poorly oriented in Beverly Hills.
If you are a fan of the timeless film Pretty Woman, then the Regent Beverly Wilshire is at your service. If you don’t live in it, then at least take a look. It was here that this film was filmed, and it is these apartments that many stars book. Basically, almost all Beverly Hills hotels have a stellar history, or these hotels are just nice to look at. The bottom price of living per night is about $ 600, the same price in Hollywood .
Beverly Hills Farmers Market – where, as in a place of recreation for people promoting a healthy lifestyle, there should be a Farmers Market. Fresh organic vegetables and fruits, amazing quality cheeses, funny farm animals and incredibly delicious pastries. The price tags, as elsewhere in Beverly Hills, are high, but worth it.
The most interesting museums
The La Brea Museum of Art and Local History is located on Willrish Boulevard. I managed to visit only the last one. A very competently conducted excursion, it was interesting. And also there are over a million fossils from around the world. I advise you to set aside a day and become culturally enlightened!
And, of course, the Peterson Automobile Museum was my true admiration. Two hundred pieces reflecting luxury, power, energy and speed. A stunning collection that belonged to the owner of a car magazine. By the way, in some cars you can sit and take memorable photos.
A walk in Beverly Hills will leave you with vivid impressions, but I must say right away: it will be sad to part with this area!
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