As a hotelier you have to work on a program of training for front desk hotel, before you let them take on the position. If they do not know the hotel front desk etiquette and how to deal with the guests; you will be facing many front desk problems. The front desk is the first contact for everyone walking into your hotel be it guests or your hotel product suppliers such as D-ZEE Supply bringing in the new consignments of hotel pool towels, bath towels, bedsheets, and more. Your front desk should know how to deal with them and create a seamless process from the moment someone enters your hotel till they exit it.
You need to look into ways to improve your hotel front desk team performance for the right impression that goes out of your hotel; and creating the right chain from the start to end.
What are some of those ways? Well, let’s find out!
Training for Front Desk Hotel!
From induction to consistent training sessions; you need to ensure every person on the front desk is an expert in how to run things.
Once a new person joins the team, they need to be told how your hotel runs and what is it that guests expect from someone representing you. Time also brings about many changes. Hotel managers themselves may not always have the time to train the staff themselves. That’s why, there needs to be someone who can come in and train the front desk. You can also work in a basic training manual and software to constantly help the front desk be better at their job.
Know Your Guests!
The more interactive the front desk is and the more guests feel comfortable; the less front desk problems you will have.
It is difficult for a person to remember everyone who walk through the door; but refreshing your memory before starting your day really does make a difference. Read through the names and requirements of the expected new guests that day. Welcome everyone by name; and be attentive to their needs. It should be an essential part of training for front desk hotel to become an expert in guests visiting them.
How Does Focusing on Ways to Improve Your Hotel Front Desk Performance Help?
If the people coming in first contact with the guests are well-informed, kind, and get things done without a problem; they make the best impression on your guests.
When training for front desk hotel you need to keep in mind what guests expect from you. When the hotel front desk etiquette is on point, guests are more likely to be happy about their stay with the hotel. But if there are front desk problems your guests will have other thoughts. So, by focusing on making your front desk better, you overall improve the guest experience and running of the hotel.
What according to you are the best ways to improve your hotel front desk team performance? Let us know your tips for training for front desk hotel in the comments below!