Common Causes and Treatments of Telogen effluvium

Telogen Effluvium is a rapidly growing condition that is affecting a large number of young individuals. It is the second most dreadful hair loss condition that occurs due to several reasons. However, stress is the primary cause that triggers Telogen Effluvium hair loss. It causes the hairs to become thin that can appear on a particular area or can spread all over the head. It generally targets the top of the head, and with TE, you are less likely to lose all the hairs. There may be several causes for this condition that are as follows.
Environmental causes
Telogen Effluvium might occur due to environmental causes such as physical trauma, shock, and surgery, etc. For example, if you met with an accident and have some injuries, but you are in shock, it can trigger TE. It could put the natural growth of hair follicles to the resting phase.
Hormonal changes
Stress is a common cause among young individuals these days. Many hair loss problems in the youth are triggered due to stress. If you are going through a stressful phase of life, it can augment Telogen Effluvium hair loss. Stress can change the body’s hormones that could lead to the prolonged resting stage of hair follicles.
Poor diet
Diet can play a pivotal role in appearing the significant signs of TE hair loss. If you are taking a diet that is missing iron, zinc, and Vitamins, hair fall could occur.
Possible treatment for TE
Though, science and technology have developed to the next level. So, there is a solution to every problem now. When it comes to treating TE hair loss, you have several recovery options to consider.
Stick to healthy food
If the diet is the primary cause for hair thinning and shedding, then you must stick to healthy food. Diet is a helpful Telogen Effluvium treatment that can work wonderfully to recover hair loss. You can consult with your hair surgeon to ask about the nutritional diet such as fruits, fish, eggs, and nuts, etc.
Handle the hairs gently.
During the phase of Telogen Effluvium hair loss, it is necessary for you to treat the hairs gently. You must gently style your hair and try avoiding the hair dryers. You must stay away from hair coloring, hair curling, and hair dye since it can make the condition worse. Keep them natural and let them recover from TE.
Try to get some medications that can work for hair growth. Telogen Effluvium treatment is possible with OTC products such as Minoxidil to apply directly to the scalp.
Hair transplant
You can even think about hair restoration since there are proven technologies available to help you achieve good hair regrowth. You can consult with a hair surgeon to find out the best possibilities.
The Final Say
Telogen Effluvium is a temporary problem that can cure if you focus on the right Telogen Effluvium treatment. However, recovery with TE might vary from person to person due to several factors. Consult with Beverly Hills Hair Restoration surgeon for helpful treatments.