The Best Holiday Promotion Advice From Music Marketing Experts

Be proactive and safeguard your accounts.
I advise taking this time to evaluate who has access to all of your accounts and remove anyone who does not now require access because the holiday season is frequently a slower time for many artists. Make password changes. Examine which apps have complete access to your account. Make sure your branding and messaging are the same across all of your accounts. Make that the web server and domains are set to auto-renew.
Schedule in Advance and Enjoy Instead!
Utilize the tools and services that let you schedule posts, releases, and content. In this manner, performers and teams can celebrate the holidays while still engaging with the public. Planning your vacation months ahead of time and being proactive are crucial.
Utilize Free Advertising
Use the free or really cheap resources you have available to you to assist keep costs down because competition for attention is at its highest this time of year and ad rates are at their highest. For instance, the Artist Marketing Platform on Pandora enables musicians to run Artist Audio Messages with CTAs so that fans may link to places where they can make purchases. Or just wish the audience a good holiday. Email your followers with respect. Remember that they probably have plenty of offers in their inboxes. If the offers are timely, send text texts with them using Superphone or Community.
Play Your Favorite Holiday Music
The most effective holiday marketing strategy is connecting with your audience on a personal level, such as by sharing your favorite holiday customs or songs. Giving a discount or offering free shipping is also a smart option, especially on Black Friday when people are shopping for gifts! Plan ahead and adhere to your calendar in order to prevent burnout. Additionally, don’t be ashamed to decline offers of assistance if necessary.
Await That New Release Until Next Year
Don’t release a tune till the following year if you haven’t already. Over the holidays, many individuals take time off, and on January 1st, many transition out of their positions, so you need to give that time to happen.
Spend this time with your fans, thank them, engage in live chat and streaming, wish them a happy holiday season, and show them the kind of love you want to get in return in 2020.
Avoid scheduling any meetings, sessions, or work around significant holidays. This is done out of respect for your family, friends, and coworkers.
Make the theme YOU.
While it would be alluring to resort to cliched marketing strategies like giving out musical “gifts,” offering seasonal discounts, or capitalizing on other Christmas-related themes… I advise musicians to try this alternative instead.
Get to the heart of what celebrating that holiday—or those you observe—means to you personally at this particular time in your life. Think deeply about that and present us with something that embodies that viewpoint. It could be a single song, a film, a work of concept art, or even a tangible object. These promotions don’t always have a “holiday” theme; rather, they focus on YOU while using the holiday season as a vehicle for a communal experience.
Do you consider your ancestry around Christmas? Does the New Year inspire a sense of rebirth? et etc.
I urge artists to be especially sensitive right now because the holidays are typically a heartwarming time of year. Offer us something genuine and particularly moving about your life so that we can draw our own conclusions from your reflections.
Create a Few Holiday Covers!
It can take the form of a YouTube video or something to be shared on social media; an official release is not required (stories, TikTok, etc.). Include a Christmas sale in your marketing plan. Do you intend to release new merchandise designs in 2020? Want to get rid of some outdated stock? then hold a sale to move the product. Get ready for 2020. Because of Christmas and New Year’s, you lose at least two weeks of prime marketing time. Therefore, if you have any January-related plans (announcements, releases, etc.), be sure to finalize your plan before the business sector closes for the season. Continue to use social media. Be sure to stay in touch with your followers on social media and via email. Have fun creating the content and share a nice Christmas post.
Enjoy the holiday and make plans for the following year.
December can be a challenging month if you’re attempting to advance in the music industry. Around the second week, everything comes to a grinding halt and doesn’t pick up again until the second week of January. The best course of action is to keep in mind that the reason your calls aren’t being returned has nothing to do with you and is just due to the seasonal ups and downs of company. Recognize that business is slow, relax over the holidays, and make plans for the next year.
Think About Reflection
Truthfully, December is just another month in the year, and while the Christmas frenzy is contagious, it is only fleeting. Therefore, my recommendation for preventing burnout is to utilize this time to reflect on the most important lessons from the previous year and to plan for a year of growth and wellness in 2020 rather of merely cramming in as many holiday bargains as you can. Particularly in the music industry, it’s all about the long game and how a creative idea develops over a number of months, not years. Anyone who thinks otherwise rapidly finds themselves out of work.
Source: promotion strategy , promotional strategies