We strive to write more colorful and diverse tips for you in our blog posts. You have struggled to implement what we have written. And we are sure that you have succeeded in transforming your home into a more elegant and peaceful living space. But in the end, the chances of you facing that harsh reality are very high, especially if you’re a tenant. So, yes, as the title suggests, our topic is moving.
Moving is one of the biggest nightmares for all of us, and if you do not get organized and prepare beforehand, you can invite even bigger disasters.
Check If Your New Home Needs Renovation Before Moving
We are sure that you are excited to move into your new home as soon as possible. But doing this without a plan can tire you out more than you think. For example, making the necessary renovations in your new home after you move may mean that you will restore order in your living space later. In order to handle the moving and post-moving process in the easiest and fastest way, you should first check whether there is a need for renovation in your new home. If there is a need for renovation, you can have the renovation done and use the time effectively while you are packing up the furniture in your house.
Here are 15 tips that can save you from the chaos of moving day.
1. Preparation
Do not leave anything to the last minute. With the exception of a meteor approaching Earth and other very rare emergencies, you will typically have between 30 and 60 days to move in. Create a to-do list, divide the list into weeks, and try to stick to the list as much as possible.
2. Moving
How will you move from your old house to your new house? You can ask for help from your most wonderful friends who own big cars or rent a pickup truck for short distances. If you have a large family and a lot of furniture, it is useful to deal with moving companies. Before moving, cover your furniture with protective packaging to save them from dust. Visit this website to buy protective covers like mattress moving cover, rug storage bags, etc.
3. Information
The parcels in which you place your belongings are not very important, but you should definitely inform your transport company in advance when it comes to large and heavy items. So you can leave the organization of this part of the job entirely to them.
4. The Purification Opportunity
Let’s admit it. We have so many items that we can’t bear to throw them away. It’s an ideal time to move in, get rid of them, and purify. A new home and a new life are waiting for you. Get rid of them. You can donate your belongings to those in need or dispose of them in second-hand stores.
5. Boxing
Prepare a list of inventory and put it in the hands of people who will help you with the packaging, duct tape, and stylus. Appropriately tell your helpers that they will not be able to get away with packing items into boxes and that they must write down the contents of each box on these lists. Although we mention in our entire article that you have to do everything in advance, we strongly recommend that you leave the information part to the last moment. Unless, of course, you want to be alone.
6. Label Boxes
Paste a copy of the inventory list on the top of the boxes. And don’t forget to draw arrow marks that will show the top and bottom of the boxes.
7. Environmentally Friendly Moving
There will be a lot of garbage on the day of the move. By dividing your garbage into categories such as glass and paper, you can circumvent this process with minimum damage to the environment.
8. Parcels
While being transported, the most precious thing is cardboard parcels. Procure cardboard boxes from the places you shop, starting weeks in advance. They will most likely give you small boxes, but small ones will be much more functional for you because they are both easy to place and easy to carry.
9. Moving Day Bag
Prepare a bag to put your essential items such as cleaning materials, toilet paper, paper towels, and spare clothes you will need on a moving day.
10. Be Prepared
Before friends or carriers arrive to assist you, be prepared for them. Being caught off guard can cost you money and time.
11. Valuables
Put your valuables or breakables in a separate place so that they are not lost in the confusion that may occur on the moving day. If you have a computer to move, be sure to back up important documents.
12. Delay Orders
If you have placed orders for new furniture, new appliances, etc., for your new home, make sure they will not be delivered on a moving day. It will be very difficult for you to deal with new items in that mess.
13. Protect Your Home’s Most Valuable Assets
Don’t forget to protect your home’s most precious asset, which makes your life beautiful, from the hassle of moving. To protect your pets from possible trauma, send them to a friend’s house or entrust them to a trusted dog hostel. Never load and ship your pets in the same vehicle with the goods!
14. Neighbors
Get off to a good start and let your neighbors know what day you are moving before you move. You will both complete the ritual of meeting your new neighbors as soon as possible and leave a good preliminary impression.
15. Tiny Gestures on Moving Day
Make sure to prepare food and drink in advance for your friends helping you or the transportation company employees. Both they and you will need motivation for a difficult and tiring day like moving.
So, are you or your business planning a relocation or renovation? Then please do not hesitate to contact us!
If you are one of those who are on the eve of moving, we wish you happiness in your new home.