4 Tips For Getting Over The Post-Yacht Holiday Blues

Photo by Cottonbro from Pexels
Have you noticed how your body feels the moment you step back into reality right after the holiday is over? It’s not just your mental condition that isn’t performing as expected, but your body and emotions as well. No matter how much you love your job or whatever it is that you are returning to, it just feels so heavy.
Post-holiday blues are real. If you feel the same way, you are not alone. Usually, these post-holiday blues start to sink in after a long time off from work and your daily routine. You might wonder, ‘why feel blue when you just had a great time during the holidays?’ Psychologists say that the memories and emotions we have of our holidays trigger other emotions in our brains.
We’ll probably need a whole different article to explain how that works. Thankfully, there are ways as to how we can get over the gloom. If you’ve spent a great time out on a yacht with your family and friends during the holiday, you surely have the sail hangover.
Now that a brand new year has started, it’s a clean slate for all of us. That means, we have to do something that will help us get over the gloom quickly. To get us started, here are 4 tips for getting over your post-yacht holiday blues.
1. Allow yourself to feel it all
There’s a saying that goes: do not prolong the agony. If you feel unmotivated and blue right after your holiday vacation, there’s a tendency that you’ll want to distract yourself to shake off those emotions. That’s one way to get rid of those gloomy thoughts.
But, there’s also a high probability that once you get back to business, the blues can kick right back in. Now, what do you do? First and foremost, allow yourself to feel it all. Give yourself the time to revisit how your holidays were. Let yourself feel all of the emotions that you had during your break.
Afterwards, give yourself time to assess and understand why you’re feeling gloomy. Were there things you wish you did differently during the holidays? Or you’re simply missing how fast those happy days went by? Feel it all. Take a day or two to let the feelings sink in and give yourself the time and space to process them.
As much as possible, don’t try to run from it. Face it first and then process it. Keep in mind that prolonging the agony will only be harder for you.
2. Catch up and ask the people around you about how their holiday was
After you revisit your memories and let yourself feel it all, the next thing you can do is to communicate with the people around you. If you are returning to work, ask your colleagues how their holiday was. Avoid making the conversation all about you. Ask about their experience so you get to distract yourself and drive your blues away.
If you are a part of shared yacht ownership, ask your co-owners how their recent yacht travel was. Ask about their new location discoveries and the activities they had on board. If you really can’t help but still feel a little blue, try to call a loved one or friend that you spent the holiday with.
Ask them what their favourite part of the travel is and why. If you’ve visited multiple tourist yacht spots, share your thoughts about those places. Catch up and ask people how their break was. A simple life update can surely help you drift away from the blues. Do you know when they say happiness is contagious? Let other people’s happiness take over you, too, by asking them how they are.
3. Look forward to your future yacht plans
When you feel blue and down, it’s hard to get over the holidays even though you’ve allowed yourself to feel it all. Of course, from time to time, random thoughts of blue come in flashbacks. One great thing to avoid yourself getting lost in those thoughts is to look forward to the future.
If you just had a yacht vacation on your friend or relative’s property, maybe you can consider looking into yacht syndication. Aside from mapping out future yacht sails, you can also plan to start owning a yacht property that you can call your own.
With that, you can do your research on fractional yacht ownership and other arrangements that could work to your planned budget. Or maybe you want to learn more about yachts and how to manage them. To make things fun, you can also do your research on top destinations that yacht owners love to go to.
Whether you’re thinking of owning a yacht under fractional yacht ownership or just want to learn more about sailing, that’s a great sign. It means that you’re looking forward to something new. Hence, it helps to cut loose those post-holiday blues.
4. Get things done and attend to your backlogs
People say that moving your body helps enliven your mood. I believe, the same goes for getting things done. It can be as simple as checking something off of your checklist. To help your body shift to work mode, start by simply getting things done.
After a week or two of vacation, you probably have a lot of backlogs to attend to. Start by reading your emails. Then, reply to those that require your attention right away. Start conceptualising the theme for your next project. Or simply check something out of your to-do list.
It may come off as rushing and dragging yourself to do work when you’re not ready, but it will surely help you fight those post-holiday gloom.
Help yourself fight those post-holiday blues and don’t swim in it for too long.
There you have it. The 4 tips I shared are just some of the simple things that you can do to fight those post-holiday blues. Remember that those feelings won’t pass unless you help yourself. Feel it, process it, treasure it, and move forward!
You’ve got a whole new year to work on new plans and holidays that will surely be as memorable as your last one. Do your best to fight that post-holiday gloom and don’t swim in it for too long.