Why do Enterprises Prefer .Net Core to Develop Web Ap

.Net Core is a version of the .Net framework for building web applications and services. It was released in 2016, meaning it’s been on the scene for less than a decade. In this short period, .Net Core has become one of the most popular programming languages enterprise .NET development companies use to build web apps. As a result, it seems like an ideal candidate for exploring why enterprises prefer .Net Core.
Single Source Code
.NET Core is a fully open source implementation of Microsoft’s .NET Framework. It was developed in tandem with Linux and Windows, which makes it an excellent choice for cross-platform development. With .NET Core, you have access to all the same tools as Visual Studio, which include:
- A single codebase for your entire application—no need to rewrite parts of your app because they aren’t compatible with other languages/frameworks!
- Single codebase for all platforms—you don’t have to worry about compiling or targeting different platforms when developing on Windows or Linux.
- Single codebase for all frameworks —You can use any framework in any language without worrying about how they’ll interact when compiled into native executable files (C# doesn’t work well with Java).
Streamlined Product Maintenance
The .Net Core framework is cross-platform and can be used to develop web applications, desktop applications, and mobile apps. This makes it an excellent choice for enterprises with multiple operating systems.
The framework is also open source, so you don’t have to worry about your competitors accessing your code or using your products without paying royalties.
It’s modular, so you can add features as required without having to redesign the whole application from scratch every time you add something new; this means less effort when it comes time for maintenance or upgrades down the road!
Quicker Deployment
You can develop a single code base, which makes it easy to deploy features quickly. The same code will work across different platforms, so you don’t need extra testing and quality assurance effort.
The development time is also reduced as there is no need to maintain multiple versions of the same code base. All changes are merged into one version and can be deployed immediately without waiting for others who might have made changes in their team.
Easy To Implement
Another reason that enterprises prefer .Net Core is because of its simple implementation. It is easy to learn, use and develop applications in .Net Core compared to other frameworks such as ASP.NET or PHP. Due to this reason, you can also deploy your web apps very quickly on any server or cloud platform like Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Enhanced Programming Features
With .NET Core, you get more than just support for multiple languages. It offers support for various programming paradigms and runtime environments as well.
A single framework can be used to develop applications across multiple programming languages (e.g., C# or F#), with their corresponding frameworks being independent of each other.
You can use C# to develop an ASP.NET web application and switch to something else if needed. This is quite helpful when working on projects that require different skill sets at different phases of development or when you hire .Net developers across various organizations who might not share the same background knowledge about coding styles should be followed while designing software solutions based on existing technologies such as ASP .NET MVC 5/6 etc.
Exceptional Developer Tools
The Visual Studio Code editor is a lightweight but powerful code editor that can be used to build and debug .NET Core applications.
It’s also the easiest way to get started with .NET Core development services because it has a built-in debugger that lets you step through your code as you write it.
This tool may not be ideal for everyone—the learning curve can be steep if you haven’t used something like IntelliCode before, but if you’re new to C# or JavaScript, this may be worth checking out.
Highly Versatile
.Net Core is highly versatile and can be used for various purposes. It is a cross-platform framework that can be used to develop apps on Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.
It also supports third-party libraries such as SQLite database engine, JSON serialization format, etc., making it easy to integrate into other frameworks or libraries written in C#/.Net/.NET.
The .Net Core platform is open source, so anyone with an idea can contribute their code base back into the community, which will help improve the overall quality of software products built using this technology stack. You can hire dedicated .Net developers to make versatile applications across multiple platforms.
Availability of Razor Pages
Razor Pages are a lightweight, MVC-style framework for building web UI in ASP.NET Core. They provide an alternative to the traditional Controller/Action method pattern that has been common in web development since the emergence of HTML and CSS were introduced as standards by Netscape in 1994.
They are a page-centric programming model that makes building web UI more accessible and productive by allowing you to define your UI logic at the page level rather than relying on objects or other frameworks (such as Bootstrap).
Your page-centric code becomes much cleaner and easier to understand when you can focus on creating events that respond to user actions rather than having a controller class that does all the heavy lifting for each request.
Provides MVC Architecture
MVC architecture is a software architecture pattern whose primary purpose is to separate the presentation layer (the user interface) from business logic and data. The model represents the data and business objects while the view displays it somehow.
The controller handles all requests made by users or applications that use your application’s features.
Suppose you have an application with multiple views, like an eCommerce store where different customers can purchase products from various categories. In that case, you could have multiple controllers for each picture instead of just one controller per view.
It would be more efficient because it would only need access to one data set instead of having many instances running simultaneously across multiple threads.
Built-in Support for Dependency Injection
If you have ever worked with a web application, you must have come across the concept of Dependency Injection. A class or object can be instantiated without knowing its dependencies.
This makes it so much easier to use as there is no need to specify them explicitly.
Dependency injection is one of the most significant advantages when it comes to building applications using .NET Core and ASP.NET Core 2.1 Framework, as it helps in reducing code duplication between different classes/objects and also simplifies testing scenarios by allowing developers to inject other components into their courses at runtime without hardcoding values into those classes before deployment.
Bottom Line
We hope this article has helped you understand why enterprises choose .NET Core for web development. It’s a compelling framework that allows businesses to develop super fast APIs for web, scale quickly, and it’s now widely adopted by many leading companies.