The greatest combination of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence is giving birth to a new digital universe: the Metaverse. Due to Facebook’s popular shift of its official name to Meta, the term is getting popular among the general population. Facebook states that by bringing the Metaverse into its system, it aims to connect communities and people and help in growing business space.
We already know that Facebook has faced speculations and questions regarding its data privacy framework. But with the implementation of Metaverse that uses blockchain technology, the giant social networking company is hoping to rebuild trust among people. However, the people who are not aware of the capability of blockchain technology in maintaining transparency must opt for blockchain education.
Moving ahead with the article, let us stick with our main topic, the Metaverse, and what are the impacts we can expect from it for our future digital world.
Table of contents
- What do we understand by Metaverse?
- Architecture of Metaverse
- What is the impact of Metaverse in the digital future?
- What are the barriers and adoption of Metaverse?
- Closing Thoughts
What do we understand by Metaverse?
The concept of Metaverse appears to provide immersive experiences to users. Furthermore, experts describe it as a platform with augmented and virtual reality that can allow its user to experience a completely different world.
Here Metaverse is trying to establish a digital platform that is similar to the internet but better in many aspects. For example, it wants to eradicate the limitations in virtual worlds that people currently face while connecting with one another. Interestingly the term has its mention in Snow Crash which is a 1992 science fiction novel.
Further, as per information, a single company will not control and manage the expansion of the infrastructure of Metaverse. Instead, its infrastructure will contain underlying rules set along with a variety of technologies. Hence Meta will allow multiple software and devices to connect and build more advanced shared experiences.
And to make this system possible Artificial intelligence and blockchain technology are of utmost importance for Metaverse.
Basically, its system will resemble protocols that users don’t usually see but they streamline the internet to them and connect users with a variety of services. So we should expect that Metaverse will provide a wide number of virtual locations within its platform for sharing experiences.
Architecture of Metaverse
Currently, Metaverse is in its initial phase of development. Thus, it does not contain a well-defined architecture yet. Hence, every Metaverse architecture proposal has to maintain a layered structure.
One of the proposals for Metaverse architecture by a popular live gaming platform creator suggests having a minimum of 7 layers.
The layers include:
- Infrastructure
- Human interface
- Decentralization,
- Spatial computing
- Creator economy,
- Discovery
- Experience
However, ideally, it will be far better to create a Metaverse architecture from an extra macro
viewpoint. For example, a 3 layered Metaverse architecture that will involve:
- Infrastructure
- Interaction
- Ecosystem
If we represent virtual and real worlds through linked circles, an intersection between these two worlds will take place. Here, it will showcase up to 3 layers, including:
- The infrastructure: the physical world
- The interaction: interaction of two circles
- The virtual world: The ecosystem
As per the experts, a three-layered architecture will come out to be more effective in keeping all the elements that create the Metaverse.
To know how blockchain technology and Metaverse intertwine, take up a reliable blockchain training course and learn about both advancements.
What is the impact of Metaverse in the digital future?
The Metaverse can bring a digital reality that will blend in multiple aspects of online gaming, cryptocurrencies, social media, virtual and augmented realities. By doing so, it allows users to connect with one another virtually in a more effective manner. Furthermore, to improve the user experience, AR overlays sound, visual, and other sensory input elements onto the physical world frameworks. Hence these advancements improve the user experience. On the other hand, virtual reality is totally digital and improves fictional realities.
With the development of Metaverse, it will be streamlining more multidimensional online spaces for user interactions than the ones our existing technology supports.
Thus, aside from viewing the digital content with Metaverse, a person can immerse oneself in an online space where the real and digital worlds meet.
Hence to understand the significance of the term Metaverse, note that it will be valuable to enhance virtual and shared space. Furthermore, it can be extremely helpful from games to chat rooms—for example, Fortnite and Minecraft. Therefore we can expect to receive more depth in the text, video, audiovisual details, actions, and spatial perception that you can experience. To understand the working of Meta-verse, you will need to have knowledge about blockchain as well. So take up a robust blockchain training course available to you.
What are the barriers to the adoption of Metaverse?
As per experts, one of the biggest barriers to adopting Meta-verse will be social and not technical. It is because multiple modern devices are already supporting applications of VR and AR and other advancements. However, in terms of social issues, things become complicated. We will see a struggle to bring different stakeholders communities to agree over how the framework should work.
Closing Thoughts
In conclusion, Meta-verse will impact our current digital world by enhancing the realistic reality by providing physical and direct interactions. Hence it will eradicate the occurrence of discrimination in weaker communities and will bring exceptional benefit to society. However, the Meta-verse needs to improve its workings and functionalities far more, as it is a new concept only. Moreover, multiple industries are working to be prepared in advance for this new technology.
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