8 benefits of play for children

Maria Montessori used to say that “play is children’s work”, but the current model of life has reduced playing time to the maximum. We are always in a hurry, we are super busy and we fill the day with activities that we consider beneficial for your future App In PC.
We are leaving the game. Children need to play, and despite what we tend to believe, play is not a waste of time.
The benefits of the game for our children are numerous, let’s see these 8:
Play facilitates learning in children
Patricia Ramírez, a psychologist, points out that “we have undervalued gambling because we associate it with irresponsible behavior. But quite the opposite. The game is a learning method that allows you to acquire knowledge in a relaxed and playful environment . In addition, the psychologist affirms, that “it has been shown that everything that is learned by playing is better understood, retained and reproduced”.
Playing encourages creativity and teaches them new skills
For example, it is very common that when playing they copy adults, and you see them behave like a police officer with years of experience or a teacher (and you see them negotiate, work as a team, motivate…)
Playing improves self-confidence
They lead the game, they decide what they do at each moment, they feel capable.
The game allows children to gain more self-confidence | pexels
play makes us smile
We are relaxed, it is something fun, playing implies that we are predisposed to have a good time.
Play focuses attention
When do you see your child more concentrated, more absorbed in what he is doing, than when he is playing?
Playing boosts their self-esteem
By playing, children learn to know themselves, to see their strengths and weaknesses and build their self-esteem.
Playing facilitates the secretion of endorphins
Endorphins reduce anxiety, “provoke analgesia, calming pain, improve mood and strengthen our immune system,” emphasizes Patricia.
Playing encourages teamwork
With group play, they learn to relate to others, to collaborate, to understand social norms, to be more tolerant and civil.
In the video Educating while playing, Patricia Ramírez gives us many ideas for games at home. One of them is that of words. A letter is said, example: S, and each one has to say a word that begins with that letter. Then one is asked to say a sentence with those words.
Then, the expert tells us how at home she uses games to educate. For example, instead of just rushing her son to get dressed and eat breakfast every morning, she says she times him and has him write it down in a notebook. Her son sees it as a game, he wants to win, he finds it funny, and he takes it better. She is getting what she wants (which is that her son is not late for three hours in the morning) by playing.
Another game is ‘Who is able to eat at the table like a polite person?’ The main thing, Patricia suggests, is to look for a model. “Ask your children to tell you a character in a movie who eats politely. Surely they associate it with a polite princess and we ask them to define a little how a princess would act at the table: she would say thank you when someone brings her something, she would wipe her mouth with her napkin, she would not say ‘Yuck’”.
6 benefits of video games for children
The way of learning has been changing over time, today, for example, we talk about education suitable for the 21st century. Currently, one of the best options to teach and internalize new ideas and concepts is through games. At the same time that girls and boys have fun and share with their peers, they are absorbing, without realizing it, new value systems and cognitive abilities.
Álvaro Farfán, who is part of our operations team, points out that “ gambling has the potential to develop a wide range of socio-emotional skills. And so also the guided game in particular, through the accompaniment guided by educators, can encourage reflection on the behaviors or curricular contents that are being favored at the time of game. Since the potential, within the school, of game experiences is not equal, realizing the pedagogical intention that this may have ”.
Guided play
is fundamental in children’s learning, since it provides the scaffolding and structure of the immediate environment and, in addition, it responds sensitively to the actions and emotions that children present at game time. In turn, being guided, she offers open suggestions, for example, encouraging the child to explore materials that she has not yet explored.
Undoubtedly one of the most important characteristics of guided play is that the children themselves are in charge and can choose what they do at any time. Free play and guided play share this characteristic. However, the guided game also includes an important role for the educators in charge of the activity, since they must allow the children to maintain control, but they must also provide a subtle orientation to allow them to explore the correct aspects of their environment to achieve the learning objective.
Guided play as a learning tool creates and teaches a foundation for both academic and social development, as it encourages interaction and the development of language skills, recognizing and solving problems and discovering their human potential.
Finally, the following points must be taken into account when performing a guided game:
– Do not forget that the main protagonist in the game are the children.
– Make a play space possible, provide a calm, welcoming and safe environment.
– Use simple and clear language, but not childish.
– Allow the child to act independently so that they acquire autonomy, as their age and abilities allow.
– Respect the game preferences of each child, avoiding imposing a game or activity.
– Facilitate contact with other children to share games.
– Observe the child’s behavior in the game to get to know him better and find out what motivates him the most.
What are the benefits of educational games?
Reasons to learn by playing with your children
It was on March 11 when children became the first affected by the confinement we are experiencing due to the current coronavirus crisis . And it was at that moment that the educational work became the responsibility of the parents.
This confinement has also not brought positive things. We have learned a lot with them. We are enjoying your company more and we are recovering hours of games and fun. All this has allowed us to realize the great power of educational games, especially when we share them with the family. The game is part of the intrinsic learning of children, which positively favors the acquisition of knowledge in a playful and entertaining way. The educational game is what is helping us to be able to connect with our children, socialize with them, enjoy and learn at the same time.
That’s why I wanted to make this post where I would talk to you about the great advantages of learning through play. And so to tell you in the first person everything we have learned about family educational games (beyond schools).
What are the benefits of educational games?
Learning through play provides multiple benefits in the development of children, which I am going to frame in 5 main blocks:
Intrinsic, motivating and positive learning
One of the main concepts that I have learned from children’s games is that they provide many educational possibilities . The fact of playing supposes for the child an explosion in many senses in his brain, which causes him to open up to new experiences.
Play is an inherent part of being human. Playful activities are not something exclusive to children, but are an active and dynamic part of adults as well. Playing, experimenting and enjoying is a window of opportunity to create motivation and stimuli that lead us directly towards learning.
When the child plays and enjoys that game, he intrinsically acquires a series of knowledge and skills . All this without falling into a tedious effort that is not very motivating and rewarding. The game also allows reinforcing the theory learned and putting it into practice . The experiences lived through the game help to internalize the concepts.
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